Dr. Ulrich Dreisilker
Specialist in orthopaedics, chiropractic, naturopathy and sports medicine

License to practise medicine and promotion
Orthopaedic specialist training: Accident clinics of the Employer's Liability Insurance Association Duisburg-Buchholz, Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim, Orthopaedic University Clinic Essen.
Branch office with occupations as attending physician in Mettmann, first in group practice, then in individual practice.

Relocation of the practice to Velbert.

Foundation of an ESWT treatment centre with current headquarters in Bochum-Wattenscheid.

Foundation of IGESTO (International Society for Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy), which merged with DGST (German Society for Shockwave Therapy) to form today's DIGEST. Member of the board for several years and president of DIGEST.

Lecturer at DIGEST, honorary president since 2005.

Termination of work as a panel physician, then private practice in Mettmann.

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